No, this is not a lesson on the rules of football or the Chiefs or the Eagels. This is a round-up of Super Bowl fun, that doesn’t require you to even know the rules 🙂 We will, however, give you a cheat sheet, in case you need to fake your way through the game. Read on for some of our favorite reads, reels, and recipes for Super Bowl 2025.
Fake It 'til You Make It
Let’s start with the basics, How to Fake Your Way Through the Super Bowl. The kind people at The New York Times created a playbook for those people that may be attending a Super Bowl party and frankly don’t want to admit their lack of knowledge. The article covers everything from who is playing and basic football rules, to the history of the Super Bowl and the halftime show. And yes, it even covers Taylor Swift’s boyfriend. It is a quick read and well worth it if you want to avoid embarrassment.
All About the Food
If you’ve mastered the Super Bowl playbook or if you’re just there for the commercials, you’re still going to want some food. The Everygirl did a great roundup of their own with 30 great Super Bowl Super Foods! It includes all the football basics like Nachos and Sliders as well as new ideas such as Pesto Pinwheels and a Buffalo Chicken Fajita Pizza Ring.
Obvi, the Commercials
The anticipation of seeing groundbreaking commercials has died done over the past several years, due to companies releasing them days and even weeks in advance. Newsweek compiled some of those commercials for you. Be prepared to seem cool and uninterested during the game.
Glen Powell as Fabio for Ram
And Finally, be Prepared for...
@shannonfiedler13 made a hilarious TikTok paroding the friend who wants everyone at the Super Bowl party to know that they work in advertising, or marketing. Don’t be that person. But, do enjoy this hilarious TikTok.