It is painful. To send out a great email, newsletter, event invite, etc. and then receive a notification that 4% of your list unsubscribed! Every digital marketer has been there and here are five tips to help you avoid this problem in the future.
1. Segment your Audiences
I cannot stress this enough, audience segmentation is the key to email marketing. This is one of the best ways to make sure you are sending the appropriate emails to the correct groups. It is also the best way to ensure you are not double/triple emailing groups or sending them information that is irrelevant to their interests.
2. Avoid over-emailing
- This goes hand-in-hand with segmenting your audiences. You should never send more than one email to a person in one day. In addition to this you should avoid:
- Sending the same type of email (for example: a promotional email) back- to-back. When promoting an event or sale it may be tempting to send invitation emails every day, but make sure to break those up with content emails or your subscribers will feel inundated with the promotional emails and get burnt out and thus unsubscribe.
3. Keep your Content Short & Sweet
Unless it is a newsletter that the audience specifically signed up for, emails should be short and link out to anything that needs further explanation. Most successful emails are held to a few short paragraphs or bullets. Then, they can link back to your website, where the longer post resides, thus completely your ultimate goal of having prospects view your website.
A/B testing can provide valuable insights into your audience, segments, content, visuals, and more. Test your subject lines, the length of your content, the visuals, the headers… everything! With email marketing, moving the needle by 1.5% and then again by 0.8% can increase sales. A/B testing, monitoring the results, and acting on them, make all the difference.
5. Provide Incentives for Staying Subscribed (and Sharing your Content)
Incentive programs for sharing newsletter-type emails can be very valuable. If someone shares your newsletter with five friends that subscribe, you can give them a discount on a product or a special promotional event. This will encourage your subscribers to not only share your content, but to stay subscribed to receive their “gift.” It’s also fun to choose the SWAG 🙂
While email marketing can seem tedious, it is one of the most valuable and powerful tools for a brand to focus on.
Remember these five tips:
1. Segmentation is key.
2. Don’t annoy people with a million emails.
3. Keep it short & sweet.
4. Test EVERYTHING, twice.
5. Bribe people with incentives.